Université Libre de Bruxelles - Faculté de Philosophie et Sciences sociales
This page displays a list of all signs in a Gardiner group.
Usage abbreviations are "I" (Ideogram), "D" (Determinative) and "P" (Phoneme).
Click on a Hieroglyph to list all occurrences of the sign.
Signs in Group C : Anthropomorphic Deities
C1 god with sun and uraeus on head
Usage: I, D 'Ra' Phonetic value(s): ra
C2 god with head of falcon bearing sun on head (G9) and holding ankh S34
Usage: I, D 'Ra' Phonetic value(s): ra
C3 god with head of ibis G26
Usage: I, D 'Thoth' Phonetic value(s): Dhwty
C4 god with head of ram E10
Usage: I, D 'Khnum' Phonetic value(s): xnmw
C5 god with head of ram E10 holding ankh S34
Usage: I, D 'Khnum' Phonetic value(s): xnmw
C6 god with head of dog E15
Usage: I, D 'Anubis, Wepwawet' Phonetic value(s): inpw
C7 god with head of Seth-animal E20
Usage: I 'Seth' Phonetic value(s): stX, stS
C8 ithyphallic god with feathers, uplifted arm and flagellum S45
Usage: I, D 'Min' Phonetic value(s): mnw
C9 goddess with sun and horns
Usage: I, D 'Hathor' Phonetic value(s): Ht-Hr
C9* goddess seated with uraeus
Usage: I, D 'Satis' Phonetic value(s): stt
C10 goddess with feather on head
Usage: I, D 'Maat' Phonetic value(s): mAat
C10* goddess Maât holding an ankh
Usage: I, D 'Maât' Phonetic value(s): mAat
C11 god with arms supporting the sky (with M4 on head)
Usage: I, Heh'; P 'million' Phonetic value(s): HH
C12 god with feathered crown and holding the was sceptre S40
Usage: I, D 'Amun' Phonetic value(s): imn
C17 god with head of falcon, feathers and sun holding ankh S34
Usage: I, D 'Montou' Phonetic value(s): mntw
C18 god seated and enshrouded with feathers, sun and ram's horns
Usage: I, D 'Tatenen' Phonetic value(s): tA-tnn
C19 god enshrouded holding the was sceptre s40
Usage: I, D 'Ptah' Phonetic value(s): ptH
C20 same as C19 but in naos
Usage: I, D 'Ptah' Phonetic value(s): ptH
C93 nile god with palm branch and papyrus headdress