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Monument : Temple of Sety I - Abydos
Period : Dynasty XIX
Reign(s) : Sety I
High Date : 1294
Low Date : 1279
Monument type : Temple
Localisation or provenance : Abydos
References : PM VI, 1-28; Photos Nunn.
The temple of Sety I at Abydos is one of the best preserved Ramesside monuments. What is truly remarkable is the state of conservation of the painted reliefs and their accompanying polychrome hieroglyphs. Unfortunately the poor lighting conditions (neon tubes placed at ground level) make photography very difficult. Nevertheless, the basic colours can be discerned, even when the details have disappeared into the artificially created shadows. The signs are all carved in high relief onto a white plastered wall. No fill colour is used. One interesting anomaly is seen in the sign for a “sandy” hill slope N29 which is found in yellow and blue versions, even where the context is identical. This use of different colours for the same sign on the same monument is rare but is found for N29 in two other monuments : KV.57 (Mon.25) where we find white and blue and the coffin of Khonsou-Tefnakht (Mon.31) where we find red and blue. Aside from this variation, the canon is respected.