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Monument : Khonsou-Tefnakht
Period : Dynasty XXVII
Reign(s) : ?
High Date : 525
Low Date : 404
Monument type : Coffin
Localisation or provenance : El Hibeh
References : PM IV, 125; MRAH E.586; Speleers (1923, 89-91, N°337); Labrique and Stövesand (2015); Photos Nunn.
For the date, PM give the Sait period (Dyn XXVI). Speleers gives the Persian (Dyn XXVII). The current excavators (Berkeley - give Ptolemaic. The alternative name of the owner is recorded by Speleers as Ankh-pef-pet, whereas Ranke gives Ankh-paf-hery (PN, 63, 18). The coffin lid of Khonsou-Tefnakht is one of the finest examples of a Late Period polychrome hieroglyphic inscription. Similar in style to the coffin of Peftjauneith (Mon.33), the signs are remarkably detailed, especially when considering their size (approximate height 15-20 mm). The seated man A1, for instance, has detailing of the fist as it passes in front of the chest. Many other examples of fine detailing can be found. This is one of the last examples of a truly canonical text before the arrival of the Ptolemies and the subsequent gradual changes and then loss of the classical polychrome tradition.