The Polychrome Hieroglyph Research Project

Université Libre de Bruxelles - Faculté de Philosophie et Sciences sociales

This page displays a list of all signs in a Gardiner group. Usage abbreviations are "I" (Ideogram), "D" (Determinative) and "P" (Phoneme). Click on a Hieroglyph to list all occurrences of the sign.

Signs in Group N : Sky, Earth, Water

N1 sky
Usage: I, D 'sky'; P Phonetic value(s): pt, Hrt, Hry
N2 sky with a broken(?) 'was' sceptre S40(?) suspended from it (XVIII dyn.)
Usage: D 'night, darkness' Phonetic value(s):
N3 O.K. form of N2
Usage: D 'night, darkness' Phonetic value(s):
N4 moisture falling from the sky (XVIII dyn.)
Usage: I, D 'dew, rain' Phonetic value(s):
N5 sun
Usage: I, D 'sun, day, actions of sun Phonetic value(s): ra, hrw, sw
N6 sun with uraeus (XVIII dyn.)
Usage: I, D 'sun' Phonetic value(s): ra
N7 combination of sun N5 and T28
Usage: I 'day-time' Phonetic value(s): Xrt-hrw
N8 sunshine
Usage: I, D 'sunshine'; P Phonetic value(s): wbn, Hnmmt
N9 moon with its lower half obscured (XVIII dyn.)
Usage: I, D 'New-moon festival'; P Phonetic value(s): psD
N10 moon with lower part obscured - alternative form of N9
Usage: I, D 'New-moon festival'; P Phonetic value(s): psD
N11 crescent moon (also written vertically when det.)
Usage: I, D 'moon'; P Phonetic value(s): iaH, Abd, Ssp
N12 crescent moon - alternative form of N11 (XVIII dyn.)
Usage: I, D 'moon'; P Phonetic value(s): iaH
N13 combination of half of moon N11 and star N14
Usage: I 'Half-moon festival' Phonetic value(s):
N13* star N14 beneath a half-moon crescent N11
Usage: I 'Half-moon festival' Phonetic value(s):
N14 star
Usage: I, D 'star, constellation'; P Phonetic value(s): sbA, dwA
N15 star in circle
Usage: I 'douat' Phonetic value(s): dwAt
N16 flat alluvial land with grains of sand N33 beneath it
Usage: I 'earth, land'; P Phonetic value(s): tA
N17 land - alternative form of N16
Usage: I 'earth, land'; P Phonetic value(s): tA
N18 sandy tract (also loin-cloth - see Gardiner after S26)
Usage: I, D 'island, desert, foreign country, horizon'; I,D 'loin-cloth' Phonetic value(s): iw, Axt; dAiw
N19 two sandy tracts (N18 repeated, often smaller)
Usage: D 'Ra-Horakhty' Phonetic value(s):
N20 tongue of land
Usage: D 'sand bank, shore'; P Phonetic value(s): wDb
N21 tongue of land
Usage: D 'land, bank' Phonetic value(s): idb
N22 sandy tongue of land (O.K. protype of N20 and N21)
Usage: D 'land' Phonetic value(s):
N23 irrigation canal (XI - XVIII dyn.) - see N36
Usage: D 'irrigated land, time' Phonetic value(s):
N24 land marked out with irrigation runnels
Usage: I, D 'district, estate, province, garden' Phonetic value(s): spAt
N25 sandy hill country over edge of green cultivation
Usage: I, D 'hill-country, foreign land, desert, necropolis, east' Phonetic value(s): xAst
N26 sand-covered mountain over edge of green cultivation
Usage: I 'mountain'; P Phonetic value(s): Dw
N27 sun rising over mountain
Usage: I 'horizon' Phonetic value(s): Axt
N28 hill over which are the rays of the rising sun
Usage: I 'hill of the sunrise, appear in glory'; P Phonetic value(s): xa
N29 sandy hill slope
Usage: P Phonetic value(s): o
N30 mound of earth with shrubs
Usage: I, D 'mound' Phonetic value(s): iAt
N30A mound of earth with walls?
Usage: alternative version of N30 Phonetic value(s): iAt
N31 road bordered by shrubs
Usage: I, D 'road, travel, position,distance' Phonetic value(s): wAt
N32 lump of clay or dung
Usage: D 'clay, filth' Phonetic value(s):
N33 grain of sand, pellet or like
Usage: D 'sand, metal, mineral, medicaments, incense' Phonetic value(s):
N33A three grains of sand (alternative to Z2)
Usage: I, D 'plurality' Phonetic value(s):
N34 ingot of metal (XVIII dyn.)
Usage: I, D 'copper, objects of copper or bronze' Phonetic value(s):
N35 ripple of water
Usage: P Phonetic value(s): n
N35* three ripples of water
Usage: I, D 'water, liquid, actions connected with water' Phonetic value(s): mw
N36 channel filled with water
Usage: I, D 'canal, river, lake, sea'; P Phonetic value(s): mr
N37 garden pool
Usage: I 'pool'; P Phonetic value(s): S
N38 garden pool with sloping sides
Usage: I 'pool'; P Phonetic value(s): S
N39 garden pool full of water
Usage: I 'pool'; P Phonetic value(s): S
N40 combination of pool N37 with walking legs D54
Usage: P Phonetic value(s): Sm
N41 well full of water (rippled surface)
Usage: D 'well, marsh, vulva'; P Phonetic value(s): Hm, biA
N41* well with water ???
Usage: D 'well, marsh, vulva'; P Phonetic value(s): Hm
N42 well full of water (smooth surface)
Usage: D 'well, marsh, vulva'; P Phonetic value(s): Hm, biA